How to Use Google

Google is a major part of the life of internet users today. Whatever they want to search or want to know about, they click on Google to find that. So there is no doubt if anyone says it the world’s number 1 search engine and an indispensable search tool for their daily use. In this article you will come to know how to use Google properly.

Today Google is being used so frequently to search or find anything that internet users all around the world always give priority to this search engine for finding anything efficiently and effectively. However, still there are lots of internet users who don’t know the effective and efficient way to search on Google and because of this they often lose things and are unable to get their desired search results. So here we are going to show you some effective Google search tips, so you will definitely be befitted by using them.

Many times you put some text in search box and then hit Enter or click on search button and get the relevant content to your search. But instead of only typing in just a phrase or wading through the page after the page of results, there are many ways for making your search more and more effective.

Basic facts about Google search

While making a search every word is important. So note that every word you put will be used in query to search. Search is always case insensitive so capitalization doesn’t matter.  Punctuations and many special characters like @#$%^+[]\&*()= are always ignored.

Effective Google search tips

To demonstrate Google search and queries, we will use square brackets [ ] here.

1. Phrase search:

First and quite effective method to make your search powerful is to put your set of words in double quotes. This way you are telling Google to consider the exact words without any change. Google uses the order to search but there is a strong signal to search it for a particular reason. So it could be effective and useful in few cases but in more cases the use of quotes is unnecessary. For example, if you are using [“Bill Mike”] then you will miss the pages which refer to Bill G. Mike.

2. Search in a specific website:

You can allow Google to search the content in a specific site. This time your query would be like: [London site:]. The pages will return the content for London but only from Sometimes you may also specify the class of the site like: [London Site:] or [London Site: .gov].

3. Fill in the blanks (*):

There is special feature in Google, a wildcard (*). This wildcard character tells Google to treat this star as a placeholder for any anonymous term. Such as [Google *] can give the results for many Google tools or Google products. But here you will have to note that this * works for only the whole words not for the part of the words.

4. Search using + sign:

By using the + sign before a word you can order Google to match that word exactly as you have typed it. Using double quote around a single word does the same thing.

5. Either/Or:

OR operator can be used to search result from one of the words you put there. You can also use the pipe symbol “|”. Then your search would be like: [deaf | tall | men].

6. Use of “~” for searching similar items:

Symbol “~” is also a wildcard and can be used for searching the similar things of the input string like [~red car] will give you the results on “nice red cars” “red cars for youth” or “red cars for sale”.

7. Definitions:

If you want to get the definitions quickly on Google then you may use “define” operator for it. It can be like [define: thirst]. It will give you the definitions from different sources with their links.

8. Music operator:

The use of music operator will provide you the contents that are related to music.

9. File types:

If you want to search a specific site or document over internet then you may use “filetype” operators.

Go ahead and use these tips when you search for anything on Google next time.

Related Tags: effective google search tips, how to run effective google query, learn using google

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